Stop at Plaza del Duque

Stop at Plaza del Duque
This square has been known since the 16th century as the Plaza del Duque de Medina-Sidonia, as the Duke’s palace was located there. After the appointment of General Espartero as regent, it was named Plaza del Duque de la Victoria in 1841. For a short period (July-September 1936) it was called Plaza del General Queipo de Llano, after which it reverted to its former name. Following a custom that practically dates back to the time of the Medina-Sidonia family, it is still called and known simply as: “Plaza del Duque”.
Did you know? Following the conquest of Seville in 1248 and the subsequent “distribution” of the city among the nobles who had participated in it, the Dukes of Medina Sidonia obtained a large plot of land in the foothills of the San Vicente district, where they built their palace. At the end of the 15th century they demolished part of it to convert it into a public square which, from 1500, would become the Plaza del Duque.
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