Stop at Cachorro

Cristo de la Expiración bridge is an urban bridge located in the city of Seville that crosses the Guadalquivir River and is the natural exit from the city towards the Aljarafe and the province of Huelva. It was built in 1991.

Its name comes from its proximity to the chapel of Patrocinio, the church from which the brotherhood of Cristo de la Expiración makes its procession during Holy Week. As this Christ is popularly known as the Cristo del Cachorro, the bridge has inherited this name. It is also commonly known as the Chapina Bridge.

Did you know? It is a steel structure, with two lowered arches of a span of 130 metres and without underwater support, supporting a 223 m. x 30 m and 30.5 m wide, designed by José Luis Manzanares Japón, inspired by the Alexander III Bridge in Paris.

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Just one ticket (valid for 2 days in a row) offers you the chance to enjoy Seville, hopping on and off the bus as often as you like. 

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